2024-09-102024年9月10日,由华东师范大学量子科学与精密测量研究院和精密光谱科学与技术国家重点实验室共同主办的量子科学与精密测量学术研讨会在华东师范大学闵行校区举行。查看详情 -
2024-09-09以量子信息与量子计算为代表的量子科技发展具有重大科学意义和战略价值,将引领新一轮科技革命和产业变革方向。近年来,在物理学、信息科学与工程学等多学科融合促进之下,量子科技的基础重大科研成果不断涌现,在量子测量、器件和设备等体现出了强大的量子优越性,展现出了解决新材料设计、生物药物研发、通信金融安全等复杂科学与工程问题的巨大潜力。查看详情 -
法国科学院院士Thierry Giamarchi教授来我院交流访问
2024-06-262024年6月26日,法国科学院院士Thierry Giamarchi教授来我院交流访问并作学术报告。查看详情
2025-03-24报告题目:Dynamical Probe of Quantum Criticality报告人:清华大学高等研究院 翟荟教授
报告摘要:Quantum systems exhibit universal scaling behavior when approaching or residing at the critical point of a phase transition. Conventional studies of such critical behaviors typically rely on measuring static properties, such as susceptibility, using linear response theory. Here, we discuss two theoretical protocols for measuring universal scaling through dynamical processes and their experimental realization in ultracold atom systems. The first extends the Kibble-Zurek scaling to a near-critical regime, enabling precise probing of the critical exponent as one approaches a critical point via ramping dynamics. The second extends the linear response to the non-Hermitian case, allowing the probing of the critical exponent at a critical point through dissipation dynamics. These results showcase that cold atom physics can reveal a different perspective of quantum many-body physics
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报告摘要:Quantum computing is an emerging and rapidly developing field, with significant advancements inboth quantum hardware and algorithms in recent years. However, the inherent noise in quantumhardware poses substantial challenges, hindering the realization of practical quantum applicationsand advantages. In this presentation, I will address these challenges through hardware-software codesign strategies. First, I will present some circuit optimization methods with mid-circuitmeasurement and feed-forward loop. Second, I will introduce a quantum multi-programmingmechanism that enables the parallel execution of multiple quantum circuits, enhancing hardwareutilization and reducing overall runtime. Third, I will discuss a practical and resource-efficient errormitigation technique designed to reduce crosstalk and decoherence errors by employing noveldynamical decoupling strategies. These software optimizations aim to better harness the capabilitiesof current quantum hardware, bringing us closer to realizing practical quantum computingapplications.
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报告摘要:将原子冷却到量子态,然后将它们装载到由激光驻波场形成的光学晶格中,这种制备超冷原子的技术提供了研究各种量子现象的理想平台,例如强关联多体系统、拓扑相和复杂材料的量子模拟。此外,得利于对原子间相互作用、晶格几何结构和外部场的精确控制,它也在量子计算方向具有很大的前景。 我的工作围绕拓扑泵展开。拓扑泵指的是粒子在晶格参数循环调制下展现出的定向量子化位移。与量子霍尔效应类似,拓扑泵将可测量的物理量(如粒子流)与对扰动具有鲁棒性的几何性质联系起来,因此具有丰富的应用价值。我们实现了一种能够在光学晶格中实现超过一百个格点位移的拓扑泵,这使我们能够进一步探索拓扑量子物质和由相互作用驱动的拓扑相变。这一进展也为在光学晶格中实现通用量子计算和费米子量子处理提供了新的方向。
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